Clear and to the Point

8 October, 2008

Job-hunting links

Filed under: technical communication,work — monado @ 12:25
Tags: , ,

I added a few more job-hunting links to my job-hunting resource page today. They are some of the big, obvious ones:,, and for members of the Society for Technical Communication.

Now that I have more than one link, I’ve added some sub-headings to classify the sources.

As I review job-hunting links or use them or stumble across them, I’ll be adding more when I have time.

24 September, 2008

STC Career Day 2008

STC is the Society for Technical Communication. Last Monday the Toronto STC held a day of seminars for renewing, revitalizing, and re-evaluating a technical communications career. Those attending were a mixture of students, experienced technical writers, people contemplating a second career.

For now, here’s a link to the programme (PDF).

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